When starting any business it is ideal to have a written plan. By constructing a plan you will save yourself the troubles of losing out on money, supplies, and customers. It is also a great way to keep you and your business well organized. Organization is the key to a well-run business and a steady income. Within this plan you should include three key things:
Setting Budgeting Goals
In order to insure yourself of being able to keep up on your bills with a business in clay pottery, you need to set goals for yourself at the beginning of every month. For instance, setting a maximum allowance for how much money you can spend on pottery/shop supplies. If you go over your limits you can than assess the situation and either create a new goal or set more detailed limits.
Inventory List
It is important as a pottery store owner to keep a list of all the supplies that are in your shop. You should also have a written plan on the minimum amount of supplies needed before ordering your next shipment. By creating this list you will save yourself the hassle of running out of material to make your clay pottery. Depending on the size of your customer base, each month may differ in your shipment sizes.
Customer Base
Although your customer base may be minimal in the beginning, it is still a great idea to write down the names and numbers of all the customers you sell your products to. Another great idea is to jot down individuals that may be interested in purchasing your pottery items. On the days that you have free time, you can contact these “future customers” to see if they have an interest in the purchasing of clay pottery.
Finding suppliers is key for any business to be successful whether your suppliers give you a cost advantage, knowledge advantage or quality advantage, it's important to develop the right mix of suppliers to help take your business forward. It can't be understated the importance of being able to provide a reliable product and service delivered on time every time. Reputation of your brand is key e.g. if you require a supplier of English fine bone china, you would probably choose a Stoke On Trent business who have years of experience delivering some of the best fine bone china in the UK.
It's very rare for any new business not to make mistakes in choosing the right suppliers from the start but make sure you change suppliers once you realise you are being let down far too often.